Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Marketing Maven - A little history

So a little history on The Marketing Maven. Having worked in the marketing world for the past 20 years across a number of different area's (Sports, Media, Entertainment) I have a unique view on marketing and the results that are expected by the businesses who utilize a true MIX of all disciplines available to them.

From my time in the NY Yankees front office (Yes George Steinbrenner was my boss) to the non-profit sector and the Muscular Dystrophy Association (Yes Jerry Lewis was my boss) to a Cable TV programmer - The Food Network - Bamm - (no Emeril was not my boss) a cable distribution service - Cablevision - (Yes James Dolan was my boss - I'm recognizing a theme here) to a New Media Software start-up (VENACA - A Digital Asset Management Co.) to an ISP (AOL - America Online), I have experienced marketing with all levels of budgets, teams and philosophies...but all had the same end game - get the customer to notice the brand and buy the products.

So the Sports, Media and Entertainment worlds are certainly of interest and a passion in my everyday life.

My blog posts will reflect some unique insight into these worlds, with an understanding of the changing marketing and media worlds and how consumers are now digesting their media, as evidenced by the need for this blog.

My view on things will for the most part be with a twinge of humor, as to me this is always the most entertaining way to convey a message

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